Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014: A New Year


Towards the end of 2013, I found myself constantly reading beauty blogs and buying new beauty products. I replaced watching TV shows with watching YouTube videos on reviews, favorites and empties. I have always enjoyed makeup, but it has never been a strong hobby or interest of mine. Now it is rapidly becoming my latest obsession, so I decided that my New Years resolution was to begin my very own beauty blog. I have never been one to make New Years resolutions; they have always seemed so cliche. However, this is something that I am going to challenge myself with. Something new and exciting.

Earlier this year I somehow became infatuated with nail polish. My collection grew from about 20 to 300 in a matter of months. I created a nail polish specific instagram, which I am now planning on branching out to beauty products as well.

I have high hopes for this blog. I know it will require hard work and it won't develop overnight, but I am ready for 2014 and what it may have to offer.

Stay tuned!

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